Chris Perry Artist Page

White Pine
© 2025 Chris Perry

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Chris’ enthusiasm for photography shines through in each of his photographs, as does his love of our home, the north woods of Minnesota. Chris’ many subjects are captured in the most unique and powerful composition with each presenting the most significant perspective of beauty in his wildlife, landscape, astral and night photographs. Chris truly loves what he does and though he hopes that you enjoy every photograph as much as he enjoys taking them, he also hopes that they remind you to pay attention to the small, ordinary pieces of your everyday life and to not let these simple beauties go on unnoticed or unappreciated.

Chris Perry was born, raised and continues to reside in Chisholm, Minnesota which is located right in the heart of the Iron Range. This, of course, impelled his love affair with nature and also sparked his deep desire to help others see the importance of protecting our delicate environment. His first experiences with a camera were at an early age when his father left his camera on the table and Chris “borrowed” it. After that, it was rare if his dad ever had a chance to use it again. Chris spent much of his spare time in high school and college out in the woods seeking out the subjects he found most moving, the wildlife and landscapes of our area. It was also during this time that he took all that he had taught himself and enhanced his technical knowledge with college courses. After graduation Chris continued taking photographs but supplemented his income by teaching digital photography classes at local community colleges. He now focuses solely on his photography and is thrilled to announce the opening of his new gallery in his hometown!

During these last ten years as a professional photographer, Chris has been fortunate enough to take numerous photographic journeys, some of which have begun hundreds of miles away but most of which have begun right out our back door. Though he greatly enjoys and appreciates the beauty that he finds elsewhere, his deepest passion is still for his home territory deep in the woods on the Iron Range of gorgeous northern Minnesota. This gallery presents Chris the opportunity to share not only his true passion for photography but also the evocative beauty of Minnesota with each of you.

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